Dialogue Collaborative is working to foster collaborative conversation in our communities to empower and inform Georgians and increase voter participation.

Photo credit: Ross Williams/Georgia Recorder


Dialogue Collaborative is working to foster collaborative conversation in our communities to empower and inform Georgians and increase voter participation.

Photo credit: Ross Williams/Georgia Recorder

Dialogue is a conversation that lives in the center, not sides.

It welcomes us to think and learn together, beyond polarized viewpoints and narrowed opinions, to exist in a space of civility and equality. Dialogue Collaborative aims to create spaces that empower and inform to strengthen democracy and increase civic engagement and voter participation. Dialogue Collaborative seeks to bridge the participation gap in civic engagement through fact-based education and research with strategic, creative, and integrative communications strategies. We’re glad you’re here to join the conversation.

Dialogue is a conversation that lives in the center, not sides.

It welcomes us to think and learn together, beyond polarized viewpoints and narrowed opinions, to exist in a space of civility and equality. Dialogue Collaborative aims to create spaces that empower and inform to strengthen democracy and increase civic engagement and voter participation. Dialogue Collaborative seeks to bridge the participation gap in civic engagement through fact-based education and research with strategic, creative, and integrative communications strategies. We’re glad you’re here to join the conversation.

Dialogue is a conversation that lives in the center, not sides.

It welcomes us to think and learn together, beyond polarized viewpoints and narrowed opinions, to exist in a space of civility and equality. Dialogue Collaborative aims to create spaces that empower and inform to strengthen democracy and increase civic engagement and voter participation. Dialogue Collaborative seeks to bridge the participation gap in civic engagement through fact-based education and research with strategic, creative, and integrative communications strategies. We’re glad you’re here to join the conversation.

We work with a passionate coalition of partners who believe everyone’s voice matters to uphold a strong democracy.


Paid for by Dialogue Collaborative.


Paid for by Dialogue Collaborative.